Organizational Chart

The Iloilo State College of Fisheries Research and Development direct, plan, operate, delegate, monitor, evaluate and manage research programs, projects, activities of the college; establish partnerships and linkages; provide prioritized, balanced, and sustainable services to the various sector and share generated knowledge and experience with the community.
It is the goal of the Research and Development to:
- Promote research and advanced studies in agriculture, food security, management, forestry, ecology, industry and technology, education, integrated fisheries, maritime and allied sciences, local governance and rural development and other related fields.
- Promote sustainable development and ecologically sound management for both natural and human resources.
- Provide scientific data and information through an effective delivery system among stakeholders.
- Establish and strengthen linkages among agency partners for resource generation in the implementation of plans and programs.
- Render Technical services and expertise available in the college to the students, the community and other clientele.
- Participate in the country’s development effort by providing trainings in special courses.
- Promote a view of safety of life and property and the protection of the aquatic and terrestrial environments.
- Establish a quality standards to ensure the efficient and effective education and training for a globally competitive market.
The Research and Development aims to:
- Improve Research capability of Faculty, staff and students towards global competitiveness through Research Capability Programs
- Enhance Research Productivity of faculty, staff and students through Institutionalized Incentive and Funding System
- Generate Knowledge needed for Institutional Advancement towards National Development through Developing Higher Education Research, Technology, Innovations, and Inventions.
- Dissemination and Utilization of Research outputs through fora, publication and extension programs.