The Iloilo State College of Fisheries (ISCOF) is a community that is committed to persistently expanding its influence and services way beyond the borders of its campuses. With the ASEAN and glocal mindset, the College offers different opportunities—research as one of its prime thrusts—to all its stakeholders through different linkages.
The following matrix, slideshow, and videos feature the 25 local and 19 international research engagements of ISCOF. This covers 11 government agencies, 9 local colleges and universities, 7 international agencies and 12 schools from 8 countries. Most of these are multi-modal in nature with research as one of their main components side-by-side with student-faculty exchange, extension, work immersion, scholarship, and special projects. It services all colleges in the whole system, the level of which depends on its context, offering, and needed competencies.
From the 44 commitments of ISCOF, 5 projects have been completed already, 7 are set for renewal, 3 are extended, 3 remain until fully implemented, and the rest are active until assessed otherwise. These researches include computer literacy, technology transfer in agri-aqua business management and monitoring system, mangrove culture, milkfish farming and processing, climate-resilient agriculture, registry system and enrollment automation, agri-fishery edutourism, adult education, adolescent sexual reproductive health, and studies (pre-set, exploratory, or still-to-be-determined) based on stakeholders’ immersion-exchange experiences, benchmarking, and capacity building initiatives.
It is worth noting that the office also engages in 130 local and national linkage partners in support of the College’s extension, faculty development, and academic programs which include, but are not limited to, training and development, internship, field study, work immersion, summer job, social involvement, program linkages and partnership, outsourcing, Student Internship Program in the Philippines (SIPP) and Student Internship Abroad Program (SIAP).