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College of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences






College of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences


Bachelor of Science in Fisheries (BSF)

⦿ Automotive
⦿ Electricity
⦿ Electronics
Goals of the College of Industrial Technology
To produce quality graduates who are technically skills-oriented individuals who can address the manpower needs of the local and international industry.

Program Objectives:

• To develop globally competitive graduates who are equipped with theories and skills applicable to the demands of the labor market and highly competitive employment world.

 To promote and inculcate ethical values, work attitudes, and interpersonal and social relationships which are essential in the working arena of the industrial environment.

 To nurture adequate competencies through research and extensions usable to the community and the industry.

The Bachelor of Industrial Technology was offered by the Commissions Authority on Higher Education (CHED) with BOT Resolution No. 89, s 2008, for this moment the BIT program is not yet aligned with the new Bachelor of Industrial Technology (BInTech) CMO 13, series of 2023 of CHED which was released last June 2023. The college is in the process of revising and integrating the said changes this First Semester 2024-2025. The requested letter for the said revision stipulated the day where the revision should take place on the second week of April 2024 and be submitted to the academic council for endorsement to the Board of Regents for approval.



The first and only State University of Fisheries in the Philippines

Contact Us


(33) 511 5663

Barangay Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo 

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The first and only State University of Fisheries in the Philippines
Contact Information


(33) 511 5663

 Barangay Tiwi, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo